About us

Cancerkompisar are here to help
"No one should get sick just by being a relative"
Cancerkompisar helps you, a relative of someone who is affected by cancer. We know how tough the life gets when someone you love is seriously ill. The fear, powerlessness and frustration. In the meantime, the life should go on as usual. You need to pick up the kids from school, do the laundry, celebrate birthdays and do your usual routines. All of this with a thousand thoughts and questions on your mind. How will it go? What happens now? What happens then? You should not be going through this alone. Cancerkompisar can help you find a cancer buddy - someone who is experiencing or have experienced the same thing as you do now.
You and your cancer buddy can give each other advice and provide support in a situation that no one has to cope with alone. You meet and talk, or keep in touch by phone and e-mail. We also have an online forum where hundreds of families share their experiences and help each other.
Cancerkompisar is a non-profit organization. We are funded by private donations and grants from state and county. It doesn’t cost anything, both to be and to have a cancer buddy. Our vision is that no one should get sick just by being a relative. Not you. Not anyone else.